It’s been fifteen years now since I’ve been creating sound pieces responding to the particular social situations, acoustic compositions result from cooperation with individuals, groups and communities: students, workers, activists. My focus is on vocal performances in public spaces that address social anger, activism and the sense of powerlessness and my need for radical statement became overwhelming, forming the following call:

– Can we gather all our anger and a need for change and transform them into new energy? Abandon our defensive positions and become visionaries? Can we change anger into music with a stunning and cathartic force?
– For years, we have been protesting, demonstrating and trying to fix the crumbling system. The art and NGOs took over the role of caring for the society, thus removing this burden from the shoulders of politicians and corporations. What would happen if we – activists and artists – refused to care for the common good, sense of community, subjectivity and beauty? What if we stop trying to fix the system? Let it finally fall.
– Let’s work through tension and aggression with a cathartic experience. The energy invested in expressing the need for profound change cannot be wasted.
– Let’s make more music, sisters. Let’s work together and never compromise ourselves to political circumstances, for as long as here, in Europe, we still can.
– Let’s collaborate, let’s explore our feminity, diversity, heritage, social background, let’s use all spectrum of senses, let them grow in power, take over, and embrace our dying mother Earth with a protective cloud of sound.
– Let’s never exclude. We have powerful tools. Let’s offer our audience a beautiful way to channel their anger, frustration, sense of powerlessness – or otherwise, to let their empowerment shine.
– Let’s awake some good spirits! We all need them now.
Zorka Wollny for Heroines of Sound, December 2018