The project Resonance Assembly investigates the former factory area of the Malzfabrik in Tempelhof-Schöneberg. In this environment formerly dominated by rhythms of industrial processing, their collaborative experiments transform abandoned rooms, apparatuses, tools and materials into a very different sequencing of sonic assembly. The series of minimalistic sound pieces bestow an acoustic presence to the factory’s quiet erosion.
Susanne Husse / District Berlin
composition: Zorka Wollny
with Christine Schörkhuber, Jana Sotzko, Jason Liebert , Marcello Lussana, Matthias Härter, Philipp Kullen, Rosa Gerhards, Theresa Stroetges
recording and mixing: Jasmine Guffond, Helen Heß, Michael Weisskircher
mastering: Listeners/Freddy Knop, Frederic Stader
publisher: District Berlin/Malzfabrik